School Rules & Regulations

Fes & Fine Rules Icon

  • 1. School Fees (all categories) must be paid for 12 months and may be paid Quarterly, Half Yearly or Annually in advance.
  • 2. For holidays and broken periods reduction is not allowed.
  • 3. Fees should be paid by the 10th of the current month. In case of any holiday on 10th, 9th shall be the last date or as mentioned in the school calendar.
  • 4. Fine rules of Fees for any delay payments should be abided with.
  • 5. Student's name will be struck off if the fee is not paid till the last date of the third non-payment month.
  • 6. The student may be re admitted only at the discretion of the principal on payment of all arrears.
  • 7. Students whose fees are in arrears may not be allowed to attend the examination.
  • 8. Students who leave the school in the middle of the session have to pay the fees for the whole academic year.
  • 9. Online Fees Payment is preferred only through School App.
  • 10. If the students are admitted late during the post session, fees will be realized on pro-data basis.
  • 11. Parents must ensure the payment of all the dues of a term, before the term exam commences. The clearance Card for the Exam/ Result will be issued only if there are no dues against the students.
  • 12. Parents are advised not to send any fees in cash through their wards.
  • 13. Parents who wish to obtain Annual Fee certificate for IT purpose shall submit application with full information at least 2 weeks in advance.
  • 14. Fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances.
  • 15. Concession regarding fine cannot be helped out.

Bus Fee Rule Icon

  • Students who avail the school bus should pay the bus fee along with the school fee.
  • Bus facility once availed cannot be cancelled in between.
  • Any change in route can be done maximum twice in a session paying an amount of Rs. 200/- as Administrative charge per change.
  • Day Boarding With Lunch and Without Lunch Fee Rule
  • Students who avail the Day Boarding facility should pay the fee along with the school fee.
  • This facility once availed cannot be cancelled in between.
  • Withdrawal from the facility in between the session is only accepted due to financial problem or ill health of the child.
  • In case of withdrawal application need to be produced before 30th of the month to discontinue from the next month along with documental proof.

Day Boarding With Lunch and Without Lunch Fee Rule Icon

  • Students who avail the Day Boarding facility should pay the fee along with the school fee.
  • This facility once availed cannot be cancelled in between.
  • Withdrawal from the facility in between the session is only accepted due to financial problem or ill health of the child.
  • In case of withdrawal application need to be produced before 30th of the month to discontinue from the next month along with documental proof.

Fine Rule Icon

SCHOOL TUITION FINE After last Date 9th/10th of a month as per last date put up in the calender. Rs. 20 as fine
After 20th of the month Rs. 50 as fine
Note: Defaulters whose dues are not clear for THREE months and no documented information is approved from the Principal, enrollment shall be cancelled.

DAY BOARDING WITH LUNCH FINE After last Date 9th/10th of a month as per last date put up in the calender. Rs. 10 per day as fine for every individual month until the date of clearance.
Note: Defaulters whose dues are not clear for TWO months and no documented information is approved from the Principal, the facility shall be cancelled.
DAY BOARDING WITHOUT LUNCH FINE After last Date 9th/10th of a month as per last date put up in the calender. Rs. 20 as fine
After 20th of the month Rs. 50 as fine
Note: Defaulters whose dues are not clear for THREE months and no documented information is approved from the Principal, the facility shall be cancelled.
BUS FEE Note: No fine is imposed for Bus Fees.
The Bus Fees is mandatorily to be paid along with the monthly fees.
Note: Defaulters whose dues are not clear for THREE months and no documented information is approved from the Principal, the facility shall be cancelled.

Additional Charges and Contributions Icon

The school believes in the value of extra-curricular activities and their importance for the wholesome development of the children. Accordingly pupils are provided with maximum possible opportunities during the EDP. Participation in minimum 3 activities from the list of extra-curricular activities is compulsory for all the students. Additional charges will be levied for item of expenses that are not included in the school budget provisions, including but not limited to the following.

  • * Trips and Activities (to cover cost of travel, entrance fees and any other activities).
  • * Extended day programmes, extracurricular activities, annual arts and sports competitions, Annual Day etc.
  • * Events and Examination fees, enrolment and registration charges and expenses including travel to the institutions where the exam or event is conducted.
  • * The school as a policy will not permit to exclude any pupil from attending a programme/activity/tour meant for the benefit of all students.
  • * Parents will be informed by letter, about such programme or activity, its educational value (where appropriate) and the cost involved, so that the activity takes place without compromising on quality.